How we are doing and what we are doing... in a world that's a little different now...

None of us could see it coming and it hit us very suddenly like a bolt from the blue. Why this, why now? Have we not put years into developing our spiritual awareness; did we not feel it was about time the world started to change for the good as we have been told it would by this and many other channels. What was 2012 about if it wasn’t to be a time when humanity turned the corner and headed into the Golden Age we were imagining, back in the 90s, was just around the corner?

These are valid questions that may or may not dwell within the mind of a lightworker who has done all the right things and even knows that to be a Lighthouse he or she may well be needed in the darkest of places. Those places are now everywhere on the planet so the sitting and sending love and light to some distant land has now changed and we are all in this together. Period. This thing may have to run its course but Kryon told us, in the Iceland channels, that we can actually shorten its duration if we gather and send Compassion when in a state of coherence. We can, through consciousness, change the potentials ‘in the field’ if we dedicate ourselves to doing so.

If, as we are, you are spending a lot of time indoors and with a bit more time on your hands than normal, I suggest the best plan right now is to set your alarm for 20:20 (whatever time zone you are in), find a quiet place and get yourself into a state of coherence. Click on and you will find the details of how to join the thousands of like-minds, doing exactly the same with pure intent, as never before, sending a wave of compassion across the planet to go wherever it is needed. There is an audio with easy instructions to follow or you can read it out loud from the text. This is why you are here, you signed up to be here just at the right time, so that you can make a difference. We don't have to know the minutiae and even Kryon says, “no-one has all the pieces of the puzzle”. In fact, we have our own individual puzzle, a world puzzle and a cosmic puzzle. But let’s put all of those to one side while we get on with the job in hand and, whilst doing it, learn to trust our intuition to be our best guide.

Kryon has channelled, in Iceland, two clear messages that focus on the present crisis. These should help us to be the ‘Peace which Passes all Understanding’ that Kryon so often mentions. He/she also tells us to stay safe, follow practical steps to avoid infection as we need to be strong and well to do our job. Practical spirituality is what the teachings are about.

Big hugs to all, Graham and the team