2017.. Year One of The New Energy!

Wild Cards and odd events...

So far this year we have been experiencing energies of constant change, uncertainty, vacillation in governments and global decision making. In short, it's a time of re-setting how everything works in the world and it can be very uncomfortable for its 7.5 billion population!

Kryon's most recent channels have given meaning to some of these occurrences and the term 'wild card' has been introduced to try to explain why these events are placing themselves in the here and now. Wild Cards mean: 'expect the unexpected' and will often shock and surprise at the time: Trump is one, Brexit another; they explode into being, rock the boat, make people think, maybe moreso than ever before; they set the ball rolling for a new and unknown future to unfold. Watch out for these,  try to see the overview and not the wood for the trees!

An Alliance with Gaia...

Kryon says that we have lost, over aeons of time, the ability to really communicate with the Earth: Gaia; that the time is here to rekindle that alliance and to know the earth and her sacredness once again, to be able to tune in to the Mother, her plant and animal kingdoms and the 'elementals', as we call the 'unseen' forms which inhabit our forests and even our gardens. They have always been there, they know us and communicate to us all the time. If we listen with our heart/brain/pineal triad, we will indeed feel those communications at a level we may call Intuition. That intuition is, again, always present and ready to guide us; we just need to fine-tune ourselves to it in order to align with our highest purpose, always keeping in mind that this is not a singular purpose!

The beautiful messages from Kryon, from Monument Valley to The Tour of Ireland are filled with this. Listen and listen again in order to really take it all in. The channellings are coming thick and fast these days and are more 'literal' in their content than ever before. We are now better equipped than ever to reduce our individual stress levels, to become a 'confluence of health', to connect 24/7 to The Source; we can 'speak' to our Innate, thereby truly becoming the One in charge of our own cellular structure and with the ability to change the ageing process at the same time. We live in amazing times!