Kryon in Sacred Ireland

One-day seminar

September 4th ÷ One Day Event

We are in an unprecedented time. After 2012 the planet has definitively entered a new era of benevolence. There is a balancing occuring between masculine and feminine aspects on Earth. 26 years ago Kryon had announced this would take place!

In this event we will explore how to function well in these new times at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

More than ever before Kryon, channeled by Lee Carroll, offers us an instruction manual for the new times.

With special appearance by Maria O´Farrell Carr and Jane DonaldIn a Celtic Healing ceremony

An introduction to Celtic Shamanic practices of grounding your energy with the earth using the Green Man and the elementals in Ireland to be at one with the earth.Tuning in to the land and water in Ireland and this part of the world to see how we can serve Light in a two way process with the land and the water.

Details and registration

Following the Kryon Seminar :

KRYON Ireland Tour with LEE CARROLL September 5th to 11th September

For more information go to :